
2) The Arabic Alphabet

 | beginner

Arabic is one of the few languages that it is written from right to left. The alphabet consists of 28 letters but many of them share the same base glyph. Arabic is cursive by nature, meaning that wbords generally consist of letters connected together, and so they change form depending on their position in the word. However they do not different much from their base glyphs. All letters connect to the letter forward, except for 6 letters.

The Alphabet

The Arabic Alphabet

The letters can be grouped according to their common base glyph:

The Arabic Alphabet grouped by glyph

1. Alif (ا)

Pronounced as: "A" as in apple, cat.

2. Baa (ب)

Pronounced as: "B" in bread.


3. Taa (ت)

Pronounced as: "T" in table.


4. Thaa (ث)

Pronounced as: "th" in think.


5. Jeem (ج)

Pronounced as: "j" in July.


6. ḥaa (ح)

Pronounced as: "h"


7. Khaa (خ)

Pronounced similar to "ch" in bach (German).

8. Daal (د)

Pronounced as: "d" in door.

9. Thaal (ذ)

Pronounced as: "th" in the.

10. Raa (ر)

Pronounced as: rolling r in Spanish perro.


11. Zaay (ز)

Pronounced as "z" in zebra


12. Seen (س)

Pronounced as "s" in see.


13. Sheen (ش)

Pronounced as "sh" in she.

14. Saad (ص)

Pronounced similar to "s" in Serbia and Sauce.


15. Daad (ض)

Pronounced similar to "d" in dawn.

16. Taa (ط)

Pronounced similar to t in stall.

17. Thad (ظ)

Pronounced similar to "th" as in father, or as "z" in some accents.

18. Ayn (ع)

Pronounced similar to "a".


19. Ghayn (غ)

Pronounced as the French r in Paris

20. Faa (ف)

Pronounced as "f" in far.

21. Qaaf (ق)

Pronounced similar to "c" in "candy"

22. Kaaf (ك)

Pronounced as "k" in key.


23. Laam (ل)

Pronounced as "l" in lemon.

24. Meem (م)

Pronounced as "m" in memo.

25. Noon (ن)

Pronounced as "n" in noon.

26. Haa (ه)

Pronounced as "h" in hat.


28. Waw (و)

Pronounced as "w" in wash.

29. Yaa (ي)

Pronounced as "y" in young and meet.

Lesson Material

  1. Video slides
  2. A helpful Arabic letters sheet by Andreas Hallberg.